Practical Intelligence vs. Emotional Intelligence

Nafeea Afshin
5 min readAug 23, 2023


Why Street Smarts Outshine the Emotionally Intelligent in the Real World

Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

In today’s world, intelligence is often categorized into various forms, with emotional intelligence (EQ) gaining significant attention in recent years. While EQ is undoubtedly valuable, there’s another facet of intelligence that often goes overlooked: practical intelligence (PQ). Sometimes referred to as “street smarts,” PQ is the ability to navigate the complexities of everyday life successfully.

The Essence of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

As defined by Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use our own emotions and those of others.

EQ emphasizes self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal skills. It is undoubtedly crucial for building strong relationships, fostering teamwork, and managing conflicts constructively.

The Power of Practical Intelligence (PQ)

PQ, on the other hand, involves the ability to adapt, problem-solve, and thrive in real-world situations. PQ is often characterized by

1. Adaptability: PQ enables individuals to adapt to new environments, handle unexpected challenges, and make effective decisions on the fly. It’s about thinking on your feet and finding solutions when faced with the unknown.

2. Resourcefulness: PQ encourages individuals to make the most of available resources. It involves being creative and finding innovative solutions to problems, often with limited resources at hand.

3. Critical Thinking: PQ promotes critical thinking, the ability to assess situations objectively, and make rational decisions. It encourages individuals to weigh pros and cons and choose the best course of action.

4. Resilience: PQ equips individuals with the resilience needed to bounce back from failures and setbacks. It’s about not giving up in the face of adversity but instead learning from mistakes and moving forward.

Sternberg developed domain-specific tests of tacit knowledge that are based on situations that an individual might face in the real world. He also developed a test to measure PQ, called the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT).

A case study of the Yup’ik in Alaska assessed the importance of academic and PQ in rural and relatively urban communities with respect to Yup’ik-valued activities.

Why PQ Matters

1. Real-World Problem Solving: In everyday life, we encounter a myriad of challenges that require practical solutions. Whether it’s troubleshooting a home appliance, navigating public transportation, or managing a tight budget, PQ is indispensable.

2. Career Success: In the workplace, PQ often leads to better decision-making, effective problem-solving, and adaptability. These qualities are highly sought after by employers and can pave the way for career advancement.

3. Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs, in particular, rely heavily on PQ. They must navigate a constantly changing business landscape, make quick decisions, and find innovative solutions to complex problems.

4. Resilience: Life is filled with ups and downs. PQ helps individuals bounce back from setbacks, learn from failures, and keep moving forward, both personally and professionally.

5. Independence: PQ fosters independence. It empowers individuals to rely on their own judgment and skills to navigate life’s challenges without constantly seeking external validation or guidance.

6. Adaptation: In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is paramount. Those with high PQ can adjust to new circumstances, embrace change, and thrive in uncertainty.

Some real-life examples that illustrate the importance of PQ in the workplace:

  1. Meeting Room Mix-Up

Scenario: In a large office building with multiple meeting rooms, employees frequently reserve rooms for meetings. One day, two teams show up for a crucial meeting in the same room at the same time.

PQ: An employee who possesses PQ quickly assesses the situation, realizes the mix-up, and suggests a nearby available room. They save time and prevent conflict by adapting to the unexpected.

2. Project Deadline Crisis

Scenario: A project team is nearing a critical deadline, but a key team member falls ill unexpectedly. The team needs to reshuffle tasks to meet the deadline.

PQ: A team lead with PQ assesses the available resources, quickly delegates tasks to other team members, and ensures the project stays on track despite the setbacks.

3. Customer Complaint Resolution

Scenario: A customer contacts a support team with a complex issue that isn’t covered in the standard procedures or scripts.

PQ: The support agent uses their PQ to listen attentively, ask probing questions, and adapt their troubleshooting approach on the spot. They find a unique solution that satisfies the customer, demonstrating adaptability and resourcefulness.

4. Supply Chain Disruption

Scenario: A manufacturing company faces a sudden supply chain disruption due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., natural disaster, global crisis).

PQ: The operations manager with PQ quickly assesses the situation, identifies alternative suppliers, and adjusts production schedules to minimize the impact on customers and maintain business continuity.

5. Multinational Team Collaboration

Scenario: A multinational company has a diverse team working on a global project. Communication challenges and cultural differences create misunderstandings.

PQ: A team member with PQ recognizes the need for effective cross-cultural communication. They adapt their communication style, use clear and concise language, and find common ground to ensure the team works cohesively despite cultural differences.

If you want to develop your practical intelligence, here are some tips:

  • Pay attention to how people around you solve problems and adapt to new situations.
  • Look for opportunities to solve real-world problems, even if they’re small.
  • Try new things to help you develop new skills and ways of thinking.
  • Take time to think about what you learned from past experiences and how you can apply that knowledge in the future.

Balancing EQ and PQ

While PQ has its merits, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not a replacement for EQ. In fact, the ideal approach is to strike a balance between EQ and PQ. EQ provides the interpersonal skills needed to build meaningful relationships and navigate social dynamics successfully.

Final Words

PQ, often overshadowed by EQ, is a crucial facet of overall intelligence. In the complex, ever-changing real world, the ability to adapt, problem-solve, and make effective decisions is invaluable. PQ empowers individuals to navigate the challenges of everyday life with confidence and resilience, making it a vital asset for those striving for success in the modern world.

