If you’re not investing time in your mental health, then you’re already paying BIG

Nafeea Afshin
5 min readAug 9, 2023

If you’re someone navigating a competitive corporate landscape, you’re likely no stranger to the pressures that come with “climbing the ladder.”

But have you ever paused to think about the toll it might be taking on your mental health?

Let’s look at the often-overlooked costs of neglecting mental well-being and explore why investing time to improve it is a crucial step toward achieving success – both professionally and personally.

Point 1: The Hidden Cost of Ignoring Mental Health

In the pursuit of professional excellence, it’s not uncommon for individuals to put their mental well-being on the back burner. After all, deadlines don’t wait, and clients don’t cut you slack just because you’re feeling overwhelmed, amirite?

Burnout, decreased productivity, strained relationships – these are just a few of the potential consequences when the mental limits are pushed to the extreme.

Interestingly, according to a study conducted by the WHO, depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion in lost productivity each year.

This staggering figure underscores the undeniable link between mental health and work performance.

When you’re constantly on the run (and running on empty), the quality of your work can suffer. This leads to costly mistakes and missed opportunities. More importantly, your overall well-being takes a hit. This leaves you feeling drained and disheartened despite your achievements.

In my own journey through the corporate world, I vividly remember a time when I took on multiple high-priority tasks simultaneously, believing that my ability to handle the workload would testify my dedication. However, the mental health toll was far from worth the recognition. What was even worse was that the quality of my work suffered, and I found myself experiencing heightened anxiety and a subsequent growing sense of detachment from the things I once enjoyed.

Looking back, I realize that the price I paid for neglecting my mental well-being far outweighed any short-term gains.

Point 2: Juggling Career and Mental Well-being

The demands on your time and energy will always seem never-ending if you’re a part of the competitive world. It’s all too easy to become consumed by your work. And even easier to sacrifice personal time and not pay attention to taking care of yourself.

Example scenario: You’re facing a critical project with an approaching deadline. The pressure is mounting, and you’re dedicating every spare moment to ensuring its success. You work late nights, skip meals, and don’t have time to relax or unwind. While your determination is admirable, the constant state of stress negatively impacts your mental health.

I can relate to this struggle firsthand. When I’m engrossed in a major task, I can easily lose track of time and neglect my well-being.

The result?

I find myself physically and emotionally drained everytime that happens, unable to deliver my best performance, despite my efforts.

It’s thus crucial to recognize that success isn’t solely defined by the number of hours we dedicate to our jobs. Instead, it depends largely on our ability to perform effectively while also nurturing our mental and emotional health.

When we prioritize self-care and ensure a good work-life balance, we enhance our capacity to excel in our careers.

But how does one strike that elusive balance?

  • Set realistic expectations for yourself.
  • Then, create designated periods for both work and rest.
  • Honor these boundaries as you would any other commitment.

Remember, a well-rested you equates to improved work quality and more positive behavior in the workplace (and every where else).

Point 3: The Power of Self-Care

Think of self-care as a form of recharge and rejuvenation for your mental and emotional batteries. Self care encompasses enjoyable activities that noruish your soul, mind and body, thereby helping you face the challenges of the corporate world with greater resilience and enhanced creativity.

Below, I list a few tried-and-tested, practical self-care tips tailored to the demands of a corporate setting:

1. Incorporate brief mindfulness breaks into your workday. Set aside a few minutes to practice deep breathing or meditation everyday. These practices will enhance your focus.

2. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a quick stretch at your desk, prioritize movement as part of your routine. These will boost your mood and reduce your cortisol levels.

3. Designate tech-free periods (by unplugging from screens) into your daily routine, especially before bedtime, to allow your mind to unwind. You’ll notice improvement in your sleep quality.

4. Whether it’s journaling, painting, dancing, gardening, or playing a musical instrument, dedicate time to your passions — this will help reduce stress a great deal.

5. Learn to say ‘No’ when your plate is full. Define clear boundaries between work and personal time. This will prevent burnout.

Personally, I discovered the transformative impact of self-care during a particularly demanding phase in my corporate journey when I made a conscious decision to prioritize self-care. I dedicated an hour each day to strength training, meditation, and journaling. Over time, I found myself better equipped to tackle professional challenges.

Point 4: Breaking the Stigma - Seeking Help and Support

One key barrier to prioritizing mental health in the corporate realm is the stigma that surrounds this topic.

There’s a misconception that vulnerability equates to weakness, and this often prevents individuals from seeking the help and support they need.

Therefore, each one of us has to make an effort to embrace the courage to reach out and encourage others to do the same.

Know that seeking help is not a sign of failure. Rather, it indicates self-awareness and empowerment.

Just as you would seek guidance for professional challenges, your mind deserves the same level of attention and care. Whether it’s talking to a psychologist or therapist, seeking support from friends and family, or utilizing workplace resources like employee assistance programs, reaching out for help holds paramount importance.

I found myself grappling with overwhelming stress and anxiety a couple months ago, and I was initially hesitant to open up about my struggles. Eventually I had to confide in a friend, who encouraged me to seek professional support. I learnt effective coping strategies and proven methods of stress management. My experience highlights that asking for help can be a game-changer.

Further, by breaking the stigma around mental health and fostering a culture of openness, you and I can contribute to a more supportive environment for everyone within our organizations.

Point 5: Empowerment Through Resilience

Resilience, in its essence, is the art of bouncing back from setbacks and challenges.

To build resilience, reframe misfortunes/failures as opportunities for growth.

When faced with a professional setback, consider it a chance to analyze and readjust your approach.

My corporate life has been punctuated by several moments of resilience (along with mindfulness). These moments have benefited me in two primary ways:

  • In navigating high-pressure situations with a calmer perspective.
  • In making strategic decisions instead of reactive ones.

Final words

Investing time in your mental health isn’t a luxury. It’s an important decision that pays dividends both in terms of corporate success and overall well-being.

Lastly, remember that you’re not alone in this.

Countless have tread this path and countless others stand beside you.

Together, let’s create a corporate culture that values and supports mental well-being.

Until next time!

☕️ If you feel my work is worth an appreciation, you can buy me a coffee!

